Established: 1850
Thomas Adams Cemetery
Located near the intersection of Hoover Road and Orders Road, the cemetery is approximately a half acre is size and was established circa 1848-1850 and transferred to the control of the Jackson Township Trustees March 19, 1928. A small portion of the cemetery was acquired by the State Highway Department in the late 1960s for the construction of the Interstate 71 freeway. At one time, there were approximately 100 stone markers in the cemetery; however, very few of the original markers remain. There are now approximately 24 markers in the cemetery.

Established: 1872
Old Concord Cemetery
Located near the corner of Hoover and London-Groveport roads was established in 1872 while the earliest markers date to 1849. The cemetery contains approximately 60 markers and is located on about one acre. The area is rapidly developing and the old Concord Methodist Church has been converted into a veterinary clinic. The Concord Cemetery Association is responsible for the management of the newer cemetery sections, while Jackson Township maintains the old Concord section.

Established: 1853
Marsh Cemetery
Located on Home Road across from the Gantz Park, the cemetery is approximately one-third acre in size and sits upon the side of a hill and is surrounded by new residential development. The cemetery was established in 1852-1853 and has only four or five markers remaining.

Established: 1843
Salem Heights Cemetery
Located at 4210 Alkire Road at the northeast corners of Alkire and Demorest roads, has approximately .74 acres vacated in 2016 by the Salem Cemetery Association and New Horizons United Methodist Church legally was transferred to the Jackson Township Board of Trustees Nov. 29, 2016. Following acquisition, there will be no further internments, and the Jackson Township service department will provide grounds upkeep and maintenance. The Salem Heights Cemetery was established in 1843.

Established: 1886
Scioto Cemetery
Also known as the Strader/Borror Cemetery, is located on Hiner Road, the cemetery is approximately four acres and contains approximately 170 markers with the earliest marker dated 1834. The cemetery was transferred to the control of the Jackson Township Trustees April 11, 1920. In 2006, the cemetery was badly vandalized with nearly 70 markers broken, but was fully restored by the artisans at Columbus Art Memorial. For more information about the Borror family history, contact Dick Shover.

Established: 1855
Seeds Family Cemetery
Located on south Hoover Road close to the Pickaway County line and contains approximately 28 markers on about three-quarters of an acre of land surrounded by agricultural fields. The cemetery was established in 1855 on 1,000 acres of land originally owned by James Seeds born circa 1743 in Down, Ireland died July 27, 1825 in Jackson Township.