What is Safety Town?
The purpose of Safety Town is to educate incoming Kindergarteners on multiple safety topics. These topics include presentations on fire safety, stranger danger, animal safety, water safety, bike safety, school bus operations and more. The primary topics of the day are taught by subject matter experts in their various fields. The children that attend have a full week of activities that enhance the experience for them. We incorporate a music session each day for the children to learn songs. These music classes bear fruit with a presentation for families during our special graduation ceremony at the end of the week. Outside time allows them to engage in physical play time that will also include learning about crosswalks, busses and time with firefighters and police officers.
Event Details
REGISTRATION OPEN: April 1, 2025 through May 9, 2025
SAFETY TOWN DATE: Second week in June (June 9 - June 13)
TIME (TWO SESSIONS): AM Session (8:30-11:30am) | PM Session (12:15-3:15pm)
WHO: Residents of Jackson Township entering Kindergarten and living within the communities of Jackson Township which includes Grove City & Urbancrest.
Drinks are provided and communal snacks will be available.

Professional Educators
Our classroom and music teachers as well as the program director are all professional educators that reinforce the lessons of the day so that the children learn through multiple formats. Each classroom has two youth helpers that assist our teachers as well.
Thank You to Our Partners
We are grateful to partner with local organizations that enable us to offer Safety Town free of charge for our community. These partnerships are vital to our program being a success.
For questions, comments or observations, please reach out to Jackson Township at 614-875-5588 or
fireadmin@jacksontwp.org.Sponsors & Assistance Provided By
- Jackson Township Professional Firefighters Union
- Jackson Township
- The City of Grove City
- South-Western City Schools
- P.O.D.S
- Sam's Club
- Trish's Stitches
- Heritage Cycles