Board starts process to consider November 2014 fire levy

 The Jackson Township Board of Trustees held a special meeting July 8, 2014 to declare the necessity for an operating levy for its fire division and request certification by the Franklin County Auditor. The trustees voted 2-1 to pass resolutions for the auditor to certify total current tax valuation and dollar amount that would be generated by two, three and four mills. The dissenting voter was Trustee Stephen Bowshier who subsequently met July 9, 2014 with officials from the City of Grove City to explore levy alternatives.
Township Administrator Mike Lilly presented deficit projections for the township’s fire division budget before the end of 2015.

“Jackson Township’s last fire levy was May 1991 when it had only two fire stations. The population has more than doubled during the past 23 years,” Lilly said. “All the other townships in Franklin County with fire departments have asked for levies since 1991.”

The Jackson Township Board of Trustees will hold another special meeting once it receives the Franklin County Auditor’s certifications. The board has until Aug. 6, 2014 to vote to put a fire levy on the November 2014 ballot.