Census questionnaires to arrive in March 2020

Jackson Township residents should expect to receive their U.S. census questionnaires via U.S. mail March 12, 2020 to March 20, 2020. The census counts every person living in the United States as mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

Completing the census questionnaire is mandatory, and the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online, by U.S. mail or phone.

Strict federal law protects all census responses, and it is against the law for any U.S. Census Bureau employee to disclose or publish any census information that identifies an individual or business. Data collected only can be used for statistical purposes including the distribution of $675 billion in federal funds, grants and support to states, counties and local governments like townships. State officials additionally redraw boundaries of congressional and state legislative districts in their states to account for population shifts.

U.S. Census Bureau employees never will ask for Social Security numbers, bank or credit card account numbers, money or donations, or anything on behalf of a political party.

Jackson Township elected officials and administration staff encourage all to do their civic duty by making sure they are counted.

Learn more about the 2020 Census at 2020census.gov, or link to an informational questionnaire at https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2020/technical-documentation/questionnaires-and-instructions/questionnaires/2020-informational-questionnaire.pdf.